Saturday, February 27, 2010

A lesson learned!

This weekend Austin became a parent. Don't worry it was for school and only for the weekend! Austin named the baby Taco... yes Taco. He said he was hungry when he got the baby. I must say that I am glad that the school does these type of projects with the students. I know it showed Austin that he was not ready for that life. If you know Austin you know he loves babies just as the next person. But actually having to provide and take care of them full time was a different story. He learned that when you have a baby you are not able to do the kind of things you can do with out a baby such as play the XBOX 360, eat, or get your much needed sleep. And that was just the first few hours that he had him. He also learned another important lesson. Friday night he went to the store with Scott and while he was out, he lost one of the babies diapers. Austin didn't realize that until 4 in the morning, so on top of no sleep he had to go back to Kroger's and search for it. He was not able to find the diaper so now on top of taking care of the baby. He has to do a three page report. Austin felt terrible that he let his teacher down. I think he did a great job and I believe he truly learned his lesson. I am proud of you bub!

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