Saturday, January 16, 2010


This evening our plans changed last minute. The kids were looking forward to getting out of the house for a bit, so we decided to go to McDonald's since I had two free coupons for Big Macs. As we were packing up the car to leave, a lady come running out to our car. She said this may sound strange, but God told me I need to pray for you. WOW! Did I mention that Scott and I were feeling down about some things going on in our life, not each other but the rest of the world. Of course we said yes! Please do. She prayed with us and then she said, I don't know you but God is telling me that he has something in store for your family. WOW AGAIN! At this point she walked away. I about jumped out of the car, and said WAIT. Thank you! Something happened this evening that had us feeling really down and what you did tonight really means something. We talked to her for a few more minutes and then left. I am still blown away by what happened. I have seen God work in our lives, but never that up in your face kinda way! Oh and did I mention that she also looked at Scott and said God is calling you into the ministry. Yes you should have seen the look on my husbands face! Still not sure how to process all of this, but I know GOD IS GOOD!

Other good news may be in store, but that will have to wait for another day!

Friday, January 8, 2010

New Year means New Beginings!

Goodbye 2009!

5 things I am most grateful for in 2009

1.) My God! How awesome is He. When all the ugly and hurtful things were happening in 2009 he was right their holding our hand. When we didn't know how we were going to get the money to pay our bills, he provided!

2.) My husband. He is the most amazing man on earth! I love him so much. He has helped me deal with so much this past year. He is my rock. No matter what goes wrong or who I am fighting with I can ALWAYS count on him!

3.) My beautiful children! Julie and Austin are my greatest blessings from God. They have developed into such great people with hearts to serve. I can not wait to see what God has in store for the two of them!

4.) My job. I can complain all I want about my job, but at the end of the day I am so grateful that I have it and am able to support my family and children in their activities. I am also grateful that they work with my schedule and allow me to attend my children's sports!

5.) The hard times. I know that is strange, but honestly it has made our family so much closer. When we feel like the whole world is against us there is never a doubt that we have each other.

4 great memories I have from 2009- there are so many more, and it was really hard to chose when we had so many great things happen to us in 2009!

1.) Our first family vacation to Florida! We all had such a great time and it was really hard settling back into the real world!

2.)Our first family hike on Mothers Day. That was such an awesome day. We had so much fun just hanging out with each other!

3.)The Red's game! Julie and I took my dad to the Red's game. Another great day and it brought back alot of great memories from my childhood!

4.)Village! Although it was a hard goodbye- the girls learned a took a lot from that school! I continue to pray that the school with someday open back up!

3 Goals I have for 2010

1.) Read my Bible more and more. I struggle with committing to that.

2.) Be a better wife to my husband. My husband would say my biggest fault is taking all my problems out on him. (I tell him that's what husbands are for) But in all honestly, I really need to not put all the weight on him.

3.) Be a better mother. There are so many times that Julie and Austin have stuff going on and because I am on call I can't go to all of them. Work provided me with a cell phone and a laptop and this year it's getting put to good use, while I am out running around with my children and soaking up as much of their childhood as possible!

2 things I want to do in 2010

1.) I want to get plugged in. And by that I mean plugged into a small group, plugged into Church period! We ended 2009 with not really being a part of anything. This year I want to focus on God's calling for me.

2.) Cook more- I love cooking. That's weird coming from me because I never do it. But honestly if I was home more, I would cook all the time. When we were at Bonnie's for Christmas, she gave me the idea of precooking the night before. I think I can handle that one.

AND last but not least.... 1 thing I know for sure that will be happening in 2010

1.) We will be adding a new person to our family. OK so not mine and Scott's but this year I know I will gain a new niece or nephew! I am so excited to have another baby in the family!

Welcome 2010!