This is an email I received this morning at work. Please keep in mind I work in an office that is suppose to be professional..... I changed the names in case the person this was intended to hurt ever sees it.
"Jimmy James is upset because whenever anyone walks buy him and Billy Bob everyone says hi to Billy Bob and not him, so whenever you walk buy just say hi to Billy Bob and if you could tell other people this in your area that would be great.
I don't understand why people go WAY out of there way to hurt someone. So "Jimmy James" was upset and feeling like an outcast and complained.... why does that mean you have to spread the word to make the feelings worse. That has been a time at least once in our lives that we have all felt like we didn't belong. I know this is petty, but it bothers me to see stupid little things like this!
I finally figured out that there are adults who act worse than kids. I just always make sure that I am not associated with those employees or adults that act that way. I always try to treat others as I want to be treated. It's ashame alot of people don't except that concept!
Honey, all you can do is pray for this person and what they are going through as well as the people who are doing the tormenting, and be a witness through your actions to this person, be nice to them even if they are difficult to get along with, BE A SHINING EXAMPLE OF GODS LOVE!
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