Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Letting go

It is incredibly hard to do especially when it is something/someone you love. Learning to let go is much easier said than done. This year I have had to experience it a lot. For starters I switched teams and letting go of dispatch was hard. It was all I had known and it can be scary to start over on something new. That’s how I felt when I moved over to projects. I knew dispatch inside and out. I knew my customers and exactly what they wanted. I knew my techs and who I could always count on. Moving over to projects, I worked with another department of customers that I had to learn, and techs that I have never used, and a team I was quite unsure about. In the end it turned out to be a great learning experience and I came to love my job again. I never realized how truly unhappy I was in dispatch until I moved over to projects.
Scott and I have also had to let go of Robin. Wow, how do you do that? I love that girl like she was my own and for 2 years we raised her and treated her as such. It was incredibly hard to let her go and one of the most painful experiences of my life. Do I think letting her go was best, no! Learning to let go of things out of our control is enough harder. For nights after Robin left I cried myself to sleep, there were days when I wouldn’t even come out of my room. I prayed to God that the pain would stop. Then one day I prayed to God and I told him I could not continue living this way and I was just handing it over to Him. Slowly it started not hurting as bad, and things got better with Robin. She is not back; I am not sure if she will ever come back, but what’s important is that she knows we love her and will always be there for her.
Recently I had to switch teams again. I am having a hard time adjusting to my new team and letting go of the old. There are things going on at work that I just don’t understand. In the past 6 months I have worked for 4 teams. The last 3 have been extremely busy; this one is the complete opposite. My mind is beginning to wonder and there are times that I am just bored out of my mind. I try hard to keep myself busy with the little things there is to do, but I am at the point where I am about to go crazy with boredom. I have also felt like I am more of their personal secretary than I am a PC. I have my quarterly review coming up, so I think this is something that I am going to bring up.
What are some things you had to let go of? What did you find the most helpful.


Sarah S said...

I am working on letting go of worry in my life. I want to worry about everything.
I hope that your new team picks up a bit and you will love it there

Missy M said...

I really wish things were better for you at work. I think it is ridiculous that my team is so busy that I can't even think straight and you are being treated like a secretary and being giving ridiculous tasks that they can do themselves. I probably shouldn't say those things being as that I am a Lead, but it just sucks. Hang in there and may your own advice come back to haunt you =)...THINK POSITIVE!!