Usually Scott and I go out and enjoy a night together for Valentine's day. This year money has been tight so we decided to hang out at the house together and make dinner. We invited Brent and Wanda down, and Jen and Jesse also came down. Scott made his mamma's casserole and it was delicious! We watched the movie "Taken" and played Shanghai. It has become a tradition that any time we are with Brent and Wanda we play Shanghai. It was a card game that they all use to play with Scott's dad. We have moved that tradition over to Jen and Jesse recently. Julie enjoyed seeing Brianna and Jeremiah too.
I really enjoyed the candle light service today. I really enjoyed Ray's insight today about electricity and God being the light. God is the light and we really need to be looking at him like that. Scott was holding Eli during the service today and he was so fascinated with the candle I was holding. He tried several times to reach for it and I moved it and spilt the wax all over my hand. If I wasn't awake at that point I was after that lol. Man those Brock's can pull off anything can't they. You go to what could have been a disaster with no electricity to such a beautiful candle light service.
I loved the candlelight service. I've always loved when things like that happen at church to pull us from the "norm". It always turns out just awesome. Sometimes I think God allows situations like that to arise so we can rely on Him solely. Just awesome! :)
We don't really celebrate V-day. We stayed home and played Wii and fixed our dryer vent, hehe.
Maybe next year we could all get together and Celebrate V-Day.... I too enjoyed to service today, I felt the Holy Spirit just washing over me when Ray was talking about the condition of our hearts, and mine has been pretty banged up lately in a lot of ways. God is delivering me from those one step at a time.
Eli was rather fascinating himself this morning, he took off his shoe so he could eat it, he took off his sock so he could eat it, he tried to eat the collar off of my shirt and he just plain tried to eat me, as well as my shoe...I must say that kid has one heck of an appetite lol!
Oh and you must admit that last night turned out pretty well too. You actually woke up in a playful mood this morning, sorry I wasn't lol. I was tired and grouchy to say the least this morning!
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