Thursday, July 3, 2008

What a great night!

Today at work was stressful to say at the least. But man was tonight awesome. Scott, the kids, and I went to the Festival of Bells to see Big Daddy Weave. He rocked Hillsboro tonight. If you weren't there you missed out!! We ran into Scott's cousin David, his wife Angie, and two of their kids. It was nice to hang out with them. We don't see them much, as a matter of fact the last time we did see them was Christmas Eve. We also seen one the old Elders from our old Church, Dove. It is always great to run into someone from Dove. It helps me to remember the great memories we had there and with them. It's also nice to know there is no hard feelings, Dave Hinman tells me that every time we talk to him. I know he doesn't and is happy for us, but its still nice to hear it said. Anyway Big Daddy Weave was awesome. Austin really enjoyed himself. Unfortunately he wouldn't let me take a single picture today so I have none of him. He played a song tonight (I haven't heard the song before so I am not sure of the name) but he dedicated it to the ones that have just been stressed out lately. I know that he was singing right to me. My on calls weeks have been so horrible lately that I am so warn out and stressed. This past week I worked almost every night till Midnight and up at 4 or 5. I am the kind of person that HAS to have 8 hrs or I am just awful! The worst part is, its not over. I switched weeks so that I can be off for VBS, now i have a back to back week. But I know that I will be okay and survive.

Jewels are ready to go!
Mommy and Julie
Big Daddy Weave!!!

Scott's family (I got the back of their head)Julie at the concert

1 comment:

Scott Smith said...

It certainly was a nice break and a great time, I am just glad it was closer than Matt Redman was, that 2 hour drive at 11pm stunk after his concert. Love you baby, nice to see you in a good mood tonight!