Friday, July 4, 2008

A look back at the last 7 months!

I was reading through my myspace blogs and realized for the first time EVER, I am working really working on reaching my New Years resolution. My New Years Resolution this year was to be closer to God. I am still working on that one, but I can now see the change on myself.

Here's a look back at the last seven months.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007
The past year Current mood: hopeful Category: Life
A lot has happened this year. I moved back to Blanchester, started a new job,my mom moved in with us, my baby started Kindergarten, one of the biggest and happiest moments was Nichole and Dave getting married! It's still hard to picture my little sister married. There was a lot of rough bumps we hit over the past year as well. When things looked like they couldn't get any worse, they did. But somehow everything worked out the way it should be and it brought my family closer together. Scott and I are still trying to have a baby, we haven't had much luck, BUT we are not giving up! We are still hoping to have a little one by next Christmas. My goal this year is to be closer to GOD. We owe HIM everything! What an amazing life HE has given me, even though there were the tough spots, it made us learn and grow from them and in the end the good ALWAYS out does the bad......

Monday, March 31, 2008
Running on empty Current mood: rejuvenated Category: Life
I went to a friends church this weekend and wow it was like I was meant to be there. He preached on running on empty. I felt like he was speaking right to me. That is how I have felt especially these last few weeks. Going from 5 people to 2 at work and the extra hours put in, plus the lack of sleep. I felt for so long I have been stretched between work and my family. I miss them even when I am with them if that makes any since. My day went as he described, wake up, go to work, come home and I would still be working, help Julie with her homework, feed the girls, clean up, maybe watch a 1/2 hour of TV and lay down and attempt to fall asleep. Since Sunday I just got like this voice in my head saying It’s going to be ok, things are going to work out. I feel like I am going to be able to balance the two. I laid in bed for hours last night, praying and thinking of what I can do to make my life better. I was so excited that I couldn't sleep. The one thing that came to me was I needed to better my relationship with God. I truly believe if I start there everything else will come together. I want a relationship with my Heavenly Father like the other girls at Dove have, like my grandmother has. I am a newer Christian and there is so much that I don't know about the Bible and Jesus that I want to know, I want to learn. I have taken on so much these past four months. I am raising a teenager, and boy when I asked God for another child. I never imagined it would be my 15 year old sister. That is a challenge itself. But I love it, I love her so much. I am a step mom and for anyone that is a step parent knows that often step parents are not treated nicely. I love my lil boy soon to be teenager, and I don't doubt that he loves me, but it has taken a long time for Austin and I to build the relationship we now have. My husband is driving a truck over the road again and with me working the hours that I do it puts a lot more on me. I miss him first and foremost and my daughter misses him. My demanding job and feeling like a single parent of three sometimes has left me feeling empty and exhausted. With this said, I have no doubt that things will turn out the way they should as they always do. I have no doubt that God will provide me the energy I need.

Sunday, April 06, 2008
Struggles and Christ Current mood: focused Category: Religion and Philosophy
When my sisters and I were little we would go to Church all the time, my grandma would watch us at night and we would read the bible. After awhile my sisters and I fought it. My dad and grandma gave up, we stopped going to Church and we stopped reading and learning about the word of God. I realize now at that point the devil won. When I was 18, I met a now very close friend of mine who was the beginning of my walk to find God. Her passion for Jesus was so amazing. I wanted that, but the devil had been controlling my life for awhile then. I found myself wondering and searching to find if there really was a God. I remember talking to Shannon about it all the time. asking or more like begging to show me, prove to me that God was real cause I wanted him in my life. But only if he was real. Shannon tried hard to explain all she could to me and then she asked me to talk to my dad about it. At that time in my life I thought my dad was still the enemy and I didn't feel comfortable. So she suggested I talk to my grandma. I actually called my grandma and made an "appointment". My grandma and grandpa were in tears when I told them I didn't know if I believed. I asked them to prove to me that God was real. I remember my grandma looking at me with so much love and saying "take a walk around the neighborhood and look at the beauty, God gave this to us. It was up to me to believe, she couldn't force me to believe something I didn't want to believe." Those words have stuck in my head for the past ten years. After awhile I kinda gave up searching. I was at a bad time in my life and it only got worse. I blamed God for the bad things even though I wasn't sure He was even "real". I did some horrible things and when things were bad, I prayed and yelled at God, still not sure if I believed. A few years later, I got pregnant with my daughter. I was alone and pregnant and more scared then I had ever been in my entire life. But I really wasn't alone, my Heavenly father was there. I had this amazing feeling come over me one night driving home from work and I just started praying. I heard a voice in my head saying It’s going to be okay. I vowed that from that day on my life was going to be different and it has been. I still make tons of mistakes everyday, but I am not the horrible person I use to be. I was baptized almost three years ago. The day I was baptized was one of the most special days of my life, it really felt like my past, my mistakes, my sins were washed away and I was a new person. Dave and Robin even got me a cake for my new birthday. I was in awe. I tried so hard to be a better person after that, but I realized people don't change over night and I am never going to be the "perfect" person I want to be. My husband was truly amazing. He teaches me and prays for me and understands me when I don't understand myself. So many people led me to find Jesus, but my husband has been my rock and my supporter through it all. Today, I have never felt like anything was more real. I have never wanted a relationship with my God more then I do now. I have been making some huge changes to my life to make that happen. Some have been really hard, like leaving Dove. I have met so many amazing people in that Church. But I felt like I couldn't grow the way I wanted to grow there. I am kinda shy at first and I felt like I had tried to reach out and was ignored. I began to feel as though Dave and Robin were the only ones who reached out to us on a continuous basis. I am forever grateful to Dave and Robin for all they have taught me. For the precious memories I will take with me forever and for always trying to include me. Leaving Dove was a hard choice for me to make and still I wonder, but I believe its the best if I want to grow with Jesus.

Many people may find inspiration by this poem, I know I did.
One night I dreamed of walking along the shores of different lands.I could tell that You were with me by the footprints in the sand.As I gazed upon the heavens, I saw pages of my life.It was then I realized that You remained there by my side.When the clouds began to gather and the rains came falling down,I looked to only find one set of footprints on the ground.I said, "Lord, why did You leave me in the troubled times of life?I believed that You would always walk beside me day and night." (Then I heard:)"My precious child, I’d never leave you.I have carved you on the hollow of My hand.It’s then I carried you in My arms,When you see one set of footprints in the sand"Dear Lord, will You be with me as I travel through the years?Will You be there in the struggles? Will You wipe away the tears?As my eyes turn toward the ocean and the shores of distant lands,I’m still thinking of the single set of footprints in the sand. (I heard Him say:)"My precious child, I’d never leave you.I have carved you on the hollow of My hand.It’s then I carried you in My arms,When you see one set of footprints in the sand."Will I hear the angels singing, as my life comes to an end.Oh Lord, I long to see You. Will You be there once again?My eyes turn toward the heavens, along the path of foreign lands,Once more, I’m thinking of the set of footprints in the sand. (Jesus said:)"My precious child, I’d never leave you.See your name carved on the hollow of My hand.I’m here to carry you to your home.You will see one set of footprints in the sand.

Sunday, April 27, 2008
Good news!!! Current mood: ecstatic Category: Life
This weekend didn't start off so good, but ended up great! Saturday, Lorna and I went with Robin to meet her brothers. It was the first time she has seen them in person and she was extremely excited. It was awesome. They seemed to really connect! This has been a dream for Robin since she found out about her brothers.
The other good news is Scott and I found a Church home!! We know that God wants us at Center Pointe. We are meeting with Pastor Ray on Wednesday and I am so excited. Its amazing to see what is happening in that Church and I/WE want to be a part of it. Scott and I are both so thankful to Sarah and Danny for introducing us to CP!
Please keep our family in your prayers.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Center Pointe Current mood: stoked Category: Religion and Philosophy
We met with Pastor Ray and his wife, Melissa today. I have never met a man so passionate about Jesus. Scott and I are so excited about becoming members at Center Point. If you are looking for a new Church or a Church home in general, check out Center Pointe!! It is awesome! The people there are great and make you feel so welcomed, the band is amazing and Pastor Ray has a way of preaching that really makes you connect. We are so overjoyed to be a part of this Church! Scott and I really want to grow in the Lord and I believe God put us at Center Pointe to do just that! Here is what Pastor Ray wrote about our meeting today
Melissa & I just met with the Smith's tonight. What an incredible couple! They are plugging in to CP!!! We are blessed to have them!!! I love their spirit - they are so excited to join and get busy and told us tonight that they are signing up to lead a small group!! THAT'S AWESOME!!!! Make sure to get to know this family, you will be glad you did!
How cool is that! Scott seemed to really connect and open up to him. I see him growing already! Yes Scott and I decided we want to lead a small group in our home.... so if any one is interested in getting together and learning about the Lord just let me know.
Thanks again to Sarah!!!

Monday, June 09, 2008
A little bit of an update Current mood: blissful
So many things have been going on in our lives. I don't even know where to start! I think I last blogged on finding a new Church! Center Pointe has been a truly amazing experience! We are loving every second of it. We have met a lot of great people!!! Summer is here and we have had some BUSY weekends! Scott and I try to stay as active as possible with the kids on the weekends because we spend so much time working really long hours during the weeks. It appears this year our fams favorite place to be is KI at the water park! Although after yesterday my husband looks like a lobster so that might change! haha!!! Sarah had her beautiful little boy almost 2 weeks ago!!! I was so nervous to hold him! its been a long time since I held a baby that small! Sunday I finally got to see my Isaac, I missed that little guy! One sad thing- Robin is now back at my moms. We are missing her so much! Even though she isn't our kid it is still hard to let her go. Scott and I finally got a chance to talk to Dave from Dove. We are missing everyone there a lot. A visit will be coming soon! Small groups are about to kick off! We are so excited! Let me know if anyone is interesting in coming. Got to go, I have a sink full of dishes calling my name : (

By the way Happy Fourth of July!!!

1 comment:

Scott Smith said...

You definitely have grown closer to God and it has shown over the last 4 months especially, moving to CP was one of the best decisions we have made together! The first was deciding to get married! and as a matter of fact that is the only one that is better!