Sunday, January 4, 2009

I saw God today!

Bonnie had asked that we go to Dove today so that she will be able to see some of her friends before going back to Florida. Scott and I have been wanting to visit, but can't seem to pull ourselves away from CP, so we decided this was as good as time as any.

They had a special speaker a couple from Europe. Kris and Ian gave their testimony on how they found Wilmington, Ohio. It was truly an amazing and touching story. Afterwards they asked if anyone would like to be prayed for, Nearly the entire church went up there. It was one of the most breathtaking experiences I have ever seen. You could feel and see God move in this Church just as we do with everything that CP does.

After Church, I was talking to Dave about New Years resolutions and how I haven't made one yet. Last year my new years resolution was to grow more in the Lord. I have come a long way, but will only benefit me to grow closer. So we decided I am just keeping that same one!

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