Thursday, October 30, 2008


So during my day off yesterday which for the most part was enjoyable. With the exclusion of four very nasty emails I received from my boss. The last one is what got to me. When I moved to level 2 it came with watching on call that one of the other dispatchers would do once a month. I was told I would get $10 for each and everything I had to respond to. I received an email yesterday pretty much saying that was never agreed on and since it was already submitted it would come out of my next check.,.,....

I think I might be looking for another job. I am praying I will make it at least until after Christmas so I can take my vacation and then asked to be switched to a different team.


Trish said...

Hang in there should take Missy's advice and move to Projects. Dispatch is getting OLD!!

Diana Smith said...

I know I should, I just want to hand in there until my vacation and then move to projects. The only thing is Missy's team is the only team I would want to be on....