I don't think I have ever told my full testimony so I thought I would take the time to do that.
My parents divorced when I was three years old. My sisters and I were raised by our father and for many years didn't see or hear from our mom. I have mentioned this before but it plays an important roll in the things that happen later in my life.

My dad took us to Church (Northeastern Church of Christ) twice on Sunday and when we could make it on Wednesdays. My grandma read us the Bible and we would have Bible lessons with her every night. I don't remember the age that we stopped reading out of the Bible or stopped going to Church. I know I was a teenager.

My oldest sister Lorna pretty much became our mom as early as I can remember. She helped us with homework, troubles at school, dinners, and many other things. I never really gave her much credit for that and until recently never realized how much she sacrificed for us. My dad worked two jobs until I was a junior in high school. At one point he worked three and sometime in between the two jobs he found a way to go to College. That was the first moment in my life that I knew it was never to late to accomplish your goals/dreams.

When I hit my teenage years I became awful for my dad. I hung out with the wrong crowd treated my family incredibly bad. I begin to doubt that GOD was real. I hated the person I was and that my mom wasn't around. I turned to the wrong friends and the wrong things to make me feel better. Years went by my mom came back into our lives, but I only got worse. I did graduate high school (barely). The summer I graduated I got a new job. I met a women that completely changed my life, though I didn't know it at that time. She had a passion for God like no one I had ever seen before. That is when I began my search. I wanted what she had. I wanted to know that I can just turn my problems over to someone and know they would be taken care of. I went to her to question how she even knew God was real and what she could do to prove it me. Shannon tried so hard, but the devil was working me and he was winning. I then went to my grandma and she helped me understand a little bit better.

Scott was the one who had the most impact in my life. He was the one who helped me build a relationship with our God. Scott was raised in a Christian home as well but he also lost his way (that is his story). Together we turned that around. Before I met Scott, I would go to Church and pray to God, but I didn't have a relationship with God. Scott taught me how to pray and praise God at home. He taught me how to put God first in our everyday life not just on Sunday's. I grew to love Dove and became attached to Dave and Robin.

My life has turned completely around from ten years ago. I barely graduated from high school, and after I had Julie I went back to college and got a degree in Social work and Chemical Dependency. I was on the Deans list every quarter. I went from hanging out on the streets and working at Pizza Hut to a career. I went from denying God, to worshiping God. I went from being a broken single mother to a blessed wife and mother of two. I healed my relationship with my dad and my grandma. I realized that life is way to short to party it away and regret the decisions you have chosen.

Even after the baptism, I still felt like there was something missing. I wasn't growing the way I needed to be. Scott and I began to search other Churches also for many different reasons. Sarah had invited us to her Church, Center Pointe. Scott and I went. Ray preached on Emptiness. He spoke right to me. That message will stand out to me for the rest of my life. That message made me open my eyes and just hand everything that I was going to over to God. I was so touched by his message and the way he delivered it. I had already knew that Center Pointe was our new home, but Scott and I prayed on it. God told us we need to be there. So much has changed from six months ago. Scott and I are now leading a small group with Sarah and Danny. We are more involved in the Church than either of us have ever been. I read my bible twice a day, once in the morning when I first get up and at night before I go to bed. I pray more now that I ever have. I try to think before I act or react to something, how would God want me to handle this? There is so many more ways that I have changed. Most importantly I am happy. I enjoy being a Church and praising God, and at home, as well as our small group. Our family has become closer and more accepting. I am still growing more and more every day. The people at Center Pointe have helped me tremendously. I have become a much better person and am thankful to Ray and Melissa, Dave and Robin, my amazing husband, Shannon, my grandparents, and anyone that has made an impact in my life
You made me cry, dear. I know I have heard that before and have seen the wondeful changes in you, bt to read it all over again, brought tears to my eyes.
That is an awesome testimony!
Awesome testimony! Thank you so much for sharing that with us and allowing us to get to know you even better and what God has done in your life!
You have such a strong testimony! I am so glad that you posted this!
Thank you guys, I questioned on putting it out there because there is so many personal things that I am not proud of, but I also wanted to show that I am not that person anymore. I want people to understand that there is a better path out there and that is by giving your life to Jesus.
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