Sunday, May 25, 2008

One door closes and another door opens

Service today was awesome as usual! I love listening to Ray preach and the band was awesome. Chris did an amazing job on the new song he sang today, "Let me Sing". Maybe he should be putting out an album or auditioning for American Idol.... now that's a thought : )

I don't think that I have ever been this happy and content as I am at this point in my life. God definitely brought us to Center Pointe for a reason. Ray and his family as well as the rest of the Church have been amazing. But I have really been missing Dave and Robin. Dave married Scott and I and he also baptized me. Scott and I really got attached to them during our marriage counseling. They really opened their hearts to us. I missing seeing them at Church. Leaving Dove was one of the hardest choices we had to make. We really miss the people there, but there is no doubt in either of us that CP is where God wants us. I cant wait for Dave and Robin to come visit CP with us. I am excited for them to meet everyone especially Pastor Ray and Melissa. Hope it will be soon!!!!

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