Monday, August 24, 2009

10 good things

As I was driving home from work today listening to KLove they were talking about positive things you can do to make someone elses day better or yourself. One of the things that was mentioned was at the end of the day writ ting or emailing to someone ten positive things that happened in the day. I thought I would start off my doing this on my blog, so here goes.

1. I was able to spend an hour of my morning with my daughter
2. I seen Abby's cheesy grin first thing this morning
3. I had positive feedback from a customer
4. Robin helped Julieann with her homework after school (never expected but much appreciated!!!)
5. There was hardly any traffic on the way to work and on the way home
6. I had my favorite milkshake today
7. Both Dave's were in good moods today
8. I was all caught up by the end of the day!!!
9. Terezia was not out today because she had her baby (that's a good thing, she hasn't had her baby shower from work yet!)
10. No techs on site so I can go to bed early!!!

Good night!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

In the Desert

Today's sermon really spoke to me today. One of the things Pastor said was "When God wants to bring you into something new, He first has to bring you out of something old". Hearing this helped me see clearer the last few months. It may not be what we wanted but it was what God wanted. I didn't understand that and I questioned quite often why this was happening, but now I understand. I was in the desert that God wanted me to be in at that time, but now He has put me in a new desert. I think that it was something that we fought for awhile, and maybe that's why it became so painful. The last few weeks I have been learning so many new and exciting things about people I have known for such a long time. Hearing their stories and their testimony's has touched my heart in so many ways. I feel like I have given up on so many things that I once had a huge passion for. Such as my degree for Chemical Dependency and children. I would love to have a career helping teens or children of addicts. I find it interesting that 2 of my sisters have also chosen this field...

In other new, first week of school for the girls went great. Julie's first words to me Friday afternoon were there shouldn't be a weekend, they should have school everyday. Robin agreed with her, but I think she was for different reasons ; )
Austin will start school this week. He also has his second football game on Tuesday. Every time I think I couldn't be more proud of that boy, he shows me up. My dad recently found out he has arthritis in his knee. Dad has been having a hard time with it and is pretty uncomfortable at time. Austin has stepped up and started helping my dad mow the grass. This weekend Austin had plans with his grandparents, but ensured he took time to come over to Papa's and mow the grass! I truly believe I have the best kids!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Back to school

The girls started back to school today. Robin is now officially a senior! I feel old. My baby sister being a senior. Julie started her first day of 2nd grade today also. Sarah spending the night last night really helped calm Robin's nerves and completely made Julie forget to be nervous. Here are a few pictures of their morning and a few from open house.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Goodbye Summer

The summer is sadly coming to an end. It has been a really great summer. We have experienced some really difficult times and even tougher decisions, but as a family it has brought us closer together. We are blessed by each and every person that has entered our life and know that God brought them into our lives at just the right time. This summer has really been an eye opener of how great our God is. When we didn't know how we were going to survive, God was holding our hand and got us through it. I couldn't ask for a better family or a more supportive family than God has blessed me with. In just a few days the girls will be starting their new school. Julie will be going to a public school for the first time in her life. I am no longer worried about how she will fit in because I know that God will be watching over her. Robin will be ending her last year at Blanchester with some of her best friends. She has been lucky enough to have some of her Village friends with her this year. Austin will be starting his last year of Jr High in just a couple of weeks. I couldn't be more proud of my children for the strength they have shown this year. Our children were faced with some tough decisions and they took it on and stood strong. And my husband has been incredible. The amount of support that he has shown me and our kids has been amazing. He loves whole heartily and is never afraid to show us. I can honestly stand in the mist of everything we have going on in our crazy life and know that no matter what as long as we trust and believe He will get us through this!